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At Petersfield Infant School we follow a ‘teaching for mastery’ approach, which is used by some of the leading schools in the world. Our school is part of a nationwide programme, funded by the DfE and coordinated by the NCETM (National Centre for the Excellence of Teaching in Mathematics), to develop the teaching of mathematics.

The mastery approach sets high expectations for every child and ensures that all children develop a positive and confident attitude to mathematics. The learning journey follows the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and the National Curriculum and is broken down into small, logical steps at a pace that allows the whole class to master each aspect fully before moving on to the next. The teacher provides regular opportunities for children to engage in deep mathematical thinking, including for those who have grasped a concept more rapidly, while ensuring that children’s misconceptions can be addressed early.

Children learn through practical experience of different concepts, to develop secure mathematical thinking. Children are encouraged to share their reasoning with others to deepen their understanding and give them confidence and independence.

A wide range of resources are used to help children see and understand the mathematical structures being taught. Concepts are placed in the context of real-life problems, where children can apply the skills they have learnt.

Year R Maths Workshop Autumn Term

Maths Yearly Overview KS1

Maths Calculation Guide

Building Number Sense: Activities at home



NumBots (Key Stage 1)

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NumBots Parent Guide

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Maths at Petersfield Infant School