Year R
☆ Stars of the Week ☆
We have had an amazing Science Week!
We loved meeting Mr Geary and watching his crazy science experiments! The elephants toothpaste experiment made us laugh a lot!! We also met some birds of prey - they flew right over our heads! Their wings were really big. Sparky the owl was our favourite!
We were learning about dinosaurs all week. We went on a dinosaur hunt and had to count carefully how many dinosaurs were in each colour set. We had to look really hard to find them. We carefully dug in the sand to excavate some dinosaur bones. We put the bones in order from shortest to tallest.
We also went outside to look for signs of Spring. We talked about the fact that there is new life all around us in Spring. We found lots of signs that Spring is on its way in our school grounds.
☆ Stars of the Week ☆
This week we have been finding out about how to sort objects and toys by different categories. We then moved on to sorting numberblocks into odd and even.
In Art we have been developing out painting skills using new media, and experimenting and painting with watercolours.
We celebrated World Book Day by dressing as our favourite characters, holding a book swap and sharing books with our friends.
Year R
☆ Stars of the Week ☆
This week we have been inspired by the traditional tale, The Gingerbread Man. We retold the story using puppets and even designed and made our own gingerbread people using different materials. In Maths we learnt about doubles to 10 by exploring how to combine two equal parts to make a whole. We also really enjoyed our first session of Dance with CM Sport.
Year R
☆ Stars of the Week ☆
This week we have been reading the book, We're Going On a Bear Hunt, by Michael Rosen. Using small world objects and large paper we then created maps to retell the story. We thought about where we would find the bear and what other important places we needed to put on our maps. Outside, we went on a real bear hunt! We kept a tally of all the different coloured bears we found. We had to look carefully to find them all! We also got active and recreated obstacles to climb over, under or through, just like in the story. We rolled the dice to see which action we had to do. There were some tight squeezes!
☆ Stars of the Week ☆
Some families in Year R have been celebrating Lunar New Year, so the Year R children have been busy this week learning all about this celebration!
We found out that 2025 is the Year of the Snake so there have been lots of snake activities going on!
Some of us made repeating patterns on snake outlines and could talk about our patterns to our friends. Some of us took our snake pictures outside and tried some rubbing to create different textures for snake skin.
We learnt that dragons, red and gold bring good luck and we all had a go at making our own dragons for our Star Challenge!
In Drawing Club we read the story of The Great race and found out why each year is names after a different animal. This inspired us to set up our own obstacle courses and have our own races with our friends! We were able to say who came first and second as we finished the race!
We finished the week with some Yoga, using the animal poses to tell the story of The great Race -we all really enjoyed this!
☆ Stars of the Week ☆
This week we have been learning all about the importance of storytellers as part of our RE. We know that books are important (and can be exciting, serious, sad or funny), and we know that a good storyteller is important too! Outside, we investigated objects to find out if they would float or sink. We also went on a maths hunt, and recorded what we spotted using tally charts and numerals - we subitised and 'used our eyes' instead of counting! We have been comparing Petersfield to Antarctica, and enhanced this learning by making loose part snowflake pictures.
Year R
☆ Stars of the Week ☆
This week we read the story 'Betty and the Yeti'. Then in Drawing Club we drew the Yeti and described what it looked like. The story also inspired us to build our own sleds using large construction and junk modelling.
In Maths we have been learning to compare groups and numbers using the words more, fewer and equal. We used our new skills to help us fill out tally charts to find out what our favourite breakfast cereals is.
☆ Stars of the Week ☆
This week we read the story 'Penguin' in Drawing Club. This inspired us to create lion masks and penguin puppets at the making table, which we loved using to role-play the story! We played a fun game of 'I Spy', finding objects that we could use our phonics knowledge to spell, including using the new digraphs we have been learning!
Playing with the sand outdoors has helped us understand capacity, and all the pouring, filling and comparing has been a lot of fun! We have also been comparing while building towers, both indoors and outdoors. We have used words like 'taller' and 'shorter'. Some of us made towers that were even taller than ourselves!
☆ Stars of the Week ☆
This week we have been very busy! We read the story 'The Snow Beast' in Drawing Club and some of were inspired to make our own snow beasts using playdough.
We practised our scissor skills to create our own snowflakes. We were very excited to open out our finished snowflake to se what it looked like. We had to snip very carefully!
We have been working hard on our handwriting in Funky Fingers time. We are practising every day to help us form our letters correctly.
In Maths we have been learning that when numbers increase by one each time, we can make a staircase pattern. We had a go at making our own staircase patterns for our toys to walk up. We took our own photos using the IPads for our Star Challenge.
We started 3D junk modelling in our making areas this week too! We now have to think carefully about the best way to join our models together. We can choose from sticky tape, masking tape, runny glue and glue sticks. We were very prod of our models and enjoyed talking about what we had made and how we joined it together.
☆ Stars of the Week ☆
We had a wonderful time on our Woodland Wonder days, inspired by the story 'The Night Tree'. We adventured into the woods where we created sleighs, sang Christmas songs, made bird feeders and finished with a mug of hot blackcurrant!
☆ Stars of the Week ☆
We have been working hard getting ready for our nativity performance. We sang and moved in time to the music.
In Music we have been learning that there are different ways to play instruments, by tapping, shaking and scraping.
In Maths we have been practising subitising numbers on a dice and counting our jumps to play track games.
We have also been enjoying doing lots of Christmas craft this week, cutting, sticking and creating loose parts pictures.
☆ Stars of the Week ☆
We began the week by decorating our room ready for Christmas! We worked as a team to decide how to arrange the decorations on our tree.
In PSHE, we have been learning all about different sorts of homes. Some big, some small... and even some on the water! This inspired us to design our own homes.
In maths, we have been learning about how numerals can represent quantities. We loved playing some fun matching pairs games!
☆ Stars of the Week ☆
This week we have all been very busy preparing for our class animals' birthdays.
The children have made bunting and paperchains to decorate the classrooms and made birthday cards to give to their class animal on the special day.
We also needed to decide on which party food we would be having for a special treat.
We asked our friends which treat they would like from a list and kept a simple tally to show which treat was the most popular.
In Maths we have been busy learning all about number 4. We were inspired by an episode of Numberblocks and had a go at making our own stampoline patterns. We described our patterns to our friends.
Year R
☆ Stars of the Week ☆
This week we have been using large scale construction outside to create vehicles such as tractors, cars and even combine harvesters!
We really enjoyed exploring the snow and ice this week, and talking about changes in weather and the seasons.
In RE and History we have been learning about babies - thinking about how and why we celebrate birthdays, and how we have changed since we were babies.
In class, we have been using our DT skills to construct bridges to cross rivers, and for the 3 Billy Goats Gruff to walk across!
Year R
☆ Stars of the Week ☆
This week we have been using loose parts to represent poppies and fireworks as part of our learning about special events.
In Maths we have been using the language 'more than', 'fewer than' and 'equal' to compare quantities of objects.
In Discovery Time we have been helping outside by sweeping up the autumn leaves. We also made some fantastic firework music and created some imaginative constructions.
☆ Stars of the Week ☆
Over the half term break we took our 'This is Me' books home. This week we have enjoyed showing each other the things we added to our books, like interesting leaves, photos and tickets to places we'd been.
This week we read the story 'What's in the Witch's Kitchen?' in Drawing Club. The children loved choosing which way to open each flap and seeing what was under them! This inspired us to make our our own magical potions. Some of us made wands on the making table, and we explored different ways to use paint including printing circular 'bubbles' from our cauldrons!
In maths, we have been learning all about 'five'. We collected groups of 5 objects from around the classroom, and explored how our fingers could represent the objects - one finger for each!
We have been thinking about 'Celebrations' for our learning about RE and History. We enjoyed discussing and drawing pictures about the things we remember from celebrations that we have had, especially our own birthday parties!
☆ Stars of the Week ☆
This week we read on the story 'It Was A Cold dark Night' in Drawing Club. Little hedgehog Ned, is looking for a home to hibernate. The children really enjoyed the story and some used the loose parts to create their own hedgehogs.
We also made maps of Ned's journey in our block play.
We had our first Woodland Wonder Day in our outdoor classroom this week - it was very exciting!
We made nests for our own teazle 'hedgehogs' to hibernate in and we used our 'autumn catchers' to catch some of the colours of autumn!
☆ Stars of the Week ☆
This week in Year R we have been improving our fine motor and scissor skills, cutting out leaves for our Autumn wreaths.
At the making table we have been thinking about the number 4, and the different ways we can represent the Numberblock 4. We talked about what we did i.e. 'Two at the top and two at the bottom makes four'
Outside, we have been busy using Autumn objects: In the sandpit we have been pretending the conkers and fir cones are our treasure. In the mud kitchen we have added them to our recipes for mud pies and leaf tea.
We have also taken our maths learning outside, making Numberblock 4 with the big green crates.
Year R
☆ Stars of the Week ☆
Congratulations to our stars of the week!
This week we have been reading the story, Not Now Bernard. In Drawing Club we explored the themes in the book by drawing our own monsters. We even added a circle tummy big enough for the monster to eat Mum and Dad!
We also used blocks and construction to build an imaginative house for a monster to live in.
Our mark making pattern this week is a spiral. We used our fine motor skills to make spiral patterns using lots of different materials.
In Maths we have also been learning about patterns. We looked carefully at repeating patterns before copying and continuing them inside and outside our classrooms.
☆ Stars of the Week ☆
Congratulations to our stars of the week!
This week we have been reading the story "The Colour Monster". We thought about different feelings that we have, and how we can feel 'calm' or 'happy' again if we are feeling angry or sad. We explored the themes in the book in different ways - sorting coloured pom-poms using tweezers to help our fine motor skills, colour mixing and painting our own colour monsters, and collecting data about our friends' favourite colour monsters!
While painting, we have been developing our independence by helping each other and cleaning up afterwards.
This week we have also had a focus on making circles in different ways!
☆ Stars of the Week ☆
Congratulations to our stars of the week!
In Maths, we have been learning about the numbers 1, 2 and 3. After learning all about Numberblock 3, we made our own patterns of three with a partner using counters. We found out there were many different ways to show 3!
This week we have been exploring our creative areas. We enjoyed self selecting from a variety of resources to cut and stick our own creations!
In PE we have been moving in lots of different ways. We loved hopping, jumping, crawling and running. We practised balancing on one leg too! Later on, we had to avoid the obstacles on the floor when we played 'the hoops are lava'!
This week, some minibeasts were found in our classrooms! We thought about where they might prefer to live and what they might need. We took them outside and gathered some natural things to make them a home for the day.
☆ Stars of the Week ☆
Congratulations to our stars of the week!
This week we have been thinking and talking about our families.
We made our families using 'loose parts'.